Thursday, November 24, 2011


Hello Miss Chávez,
Here is our work of ESP lesson plans about a course of english for waiters and waitresses.

We hope you like it,

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Cátedra 2

Miss Chávez,
here are the links of the lesson plans and websites:

Glogster SIOP
Webquest SIOP
Nursery SIOP


Thursday, October 6, 2011

Glogster and Webquest

this is our Glogster
we hope you like it!

SIOP plan

and the Webquest - SIOP Plan

María Del Castillo and Denisse González

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Grammar activity

This is my activity

This activity is focused in developing the students skills (writing, speaking, listening) participating actively in class

I hope you like it!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Box 5.2 Vocabulary techniques

1)  Some techniques are more popular than others. What are thery, and can you account for their popularity?
The most common techniques to teach vocabulary are:
- concise definition, to present accurately the understanding of a concept or term
- examples, are used to contextualize an explanation or definition
- illustrations, are used to plot the explanation of a concept 
 These are the most used techniques and I think this is because it is simpler and more effective on the students. 

2) Are there techniques that are particularly appropiate for the presentation of certain type of words?
  Some of them are used to reinforce an explanation like techniques of demonstration (mimes) this helps the students to understand clearly what we're talking about, synonyms and antonyms to asociate better the concepts that definitely are not part of the concept and those that are part of them and detailed description, this techniques takes more time than the others and it's more complicated I think because a simple description don't help the students to understand clearly.

3) Are there techniques which are likely to be more, or less, appropiate for particular learner populations (young/adult, beginner/advanced, background cultures)? 
I think the most appropiate for young/adult category is to give a concise definition and then the students asociate with synonyms or antonyms. For beginner/advanced category is more useful a detailed description but talking about a beginner it's much more useful than an advance person and in different background cultures for this category it would be more efficient to show pictures because there are countries with different ideads about a term.

4) Do you, as an individual, find that you prefer some kinds of techniques and tend to avoid others? Which? and Why? 
  I prefer to use first a concise definition as a first step to have an idea the concept then I consider useful to give examples using a demonstration, for example by miming or illustrations and this techniques let students to finally understand efficiently. The kinds of techniques that I would avoid will be translation, even being a very good technique but this doesn't help us to teach students to comprehend a second language by listening, and finally a detailed description I think it's not as effective as the others.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Lesson plan (Pronunciation)

Today in class we finished planning a class based in pronunciation skills. This is my work:

Pronunciation I think is very difficult to learn properly because it needs a lot of dedication and study about each of the sounds I mean vowels and consonants. In a few classes is impossible to pronounce well.
If a person aspire to comunicate with natives or people who don't speak english but study the language, it will be very important to dedicate time to practice sounds in english because this will let them to speak clearly and to be understandable.
So as a conclusion, practice is the key!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Topic Content: Teaching literature assignment

The next presentation is the activity that I made with my partner:

The activity that we chose was "Discussion director" part of Literature Circles and we chose it because this activity encourage students to learn from one another, specially in reading comprehension that becomes sometimes boring so this activity makes learning more fun and bearable, sharing with our partners.
In the activity, the first part consist in reading in groups of four or five and then every member must answer the cuestions of the working guide.

The lesson plan is available here
We chose the grade 'primero medio' because the short story has a large vocabulary that students will manage then in other situations. So this demands a lot of work and it's necessary because they must get used to practice more the reading skills and the oral speech.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Criteria for coursebook assessment

1. It mentions the objectives at the beginning of the book and the implementation of the materials too, in every unit
Grade – 6

2.  The book is given by the government and the topics are not too specific, it's more general for every public but it isnt't too far to be a good material
Grade – 6

3. The layout is eye-catching for the students and that attracts them because of the colours, pictures, etc. 
Grade- 6

4. There are a lot of pictures but there's too many and that results my opinion very messy and distracting. Another good thing is that the book provides links from the web 
Grade – 6

5. Interesting topics and tasks are provided but could always improve
Grade – 5

6. They provide some variety but for the most its focus is on grammar tasks.
Grade – 5

7. The instructions are clear which makes it easy to follow
grade - 6

8. It has a very systematic syllabus witch in my opinion could be even a little too rigid in its approach and may loose the interest of some students that need more diversity.
Grade – 5

9. The content is clearly organized and graded by a sequence of difficulty this lets the teacher and students evaluate their progress and also makes the students responsible for their learning process.
Grade - 6
10. It uses reviews and final evaluations which gives the opportunity to reflect on the learning process
Grade – 6

11. They provide plenty of authentic material, a lot of pictures and works (in pairs, groups and individually)
Grade - 6

12. They have considered the importance of pronunciation and communication skills. They even consider the comparison of the Britannic English to the North American but they don’t teach explicitly the difference
Grade 6

13. It gives good vocabulary explanations and practice group work and individually
Grade – 6

14. Presents good grammar presentation in the whole book and practice through the book
Grade – 6

15. It is more focused in grammar than the other topics
Grade – 4

16. It’s not too diverse in the methods and its strict sequence in teaching it doesn´t invite the students to use their own learning strategies.
Grade -  4

17. It has an appropriate guidance for teachers but it’s a little confusing
Grade – 6

18. The book provides a CD as support and to exercise, it’s great as a complement of what the book presents
Grade – 7

19. it’s easy to obtain since it’s given by the state massively to the schools
Grade - 6 

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Critical study of elicitation techniques

The most and least effective test techniques
Most effective: Dictation, Essay, Cloze
Least effective: matching, true/false, questions and answers

- Questions and answers: Open questions are more effective than closed-ended questions because  thought-provoking ones are more difficult but test better
- True/false: is very easy to design, to administer and mark
- Multiple choice: offers more optional answers but come out ambiguous
- Gap-filling and completion: we have to be aware because it has more than a possible right answer
- Matching: it's effective to test vocabulary
- Dictation: it's effective mainly to test spelling, listening or reading comprehension
- Cloze: it test (intensive) reading, spelling, some knowledge of vocabulary and grammar
- Transformation: it test the ability of the testee to transform grammatical structures
- Rewriting: It test knowledge of vocabulary but it's not so effective as transformation
- Translation: the testee has to change the sentence according to some given instruction
- Essay: good test of general writing abilities but difficult to mark
- Monologue: test overall knowledge of pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary

Three other ways to evaluate

1. Error Correction 
Find the mistakes in the sentence and correct them:

 Ipswich Town was the more better team on the night
I went to the library to get as many information as I could

Errors must be found and corrected in a sentence or passage. It could be an extra word, mistakes with verb forms, words missed etc. One problem with this question type is that some errors can be corrected in more than one way.
-Error correction is useful for testing grammar and vocabulary as well as readings and listening.

2. Ordering words/phrases into a sequence and sentence construction 

a. (He/go/school/yesterday)
b. (she/sing/theatre/tonight)

Game activity

What’s the difference?

Hello everyone! Today we are going to play the game called 'What’s the difference?' and consist in find the differences between two similar pictures. Ask questions and do comparisons. 

The time is 5 to 15 minutes. 

or this game you have to work in pairs… any volunteers?

 Ok, every student has a different picture and you have to look all the details for about 3 minutes and then both of you start to ask questions to each other without showing your picture to your partner.

-          The questions consist in giving information about your picture to do feedback.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Survey of students opinions

I asked some friends and classmates to answer this survey, which has the following questions:
1. It is important for a teacher to dress nicely and look good
 2. it is important for a teacher to care a lot about his/her teaching
 3. a good teacher controls the class firmly
 4. A good teacher treats his/her students with fairness and respect
 5. a good teacher is warm and friendly towards students
 6. a good teacher knows and uses students names 
7. a good teacher is interested  in each student as a person
 8. a good teacher will change the lesson plan and do something else if that is what the students want 
9. a good teacher let students mark their own tests
 10. I like it when the students take over and run the lesson
 11. a good teacher makes sure students have fun in lesson
 12. a good teacher gets students to work hard
 13. I prefer working in groups or individually to having a teacher-dominated lesson
 14. I like it when the teacher asks me my opinion in class
 15. a good teacher always gives interesting lessons
 16. a good teacher use corporal pusnishment occasionally
 17. if we need help the good teacher finds time to talk outside the classroom

This questions are answered on a scale (very much agree, agree, undecided, disagree, totally disagree) like the next bar chart shows:

Some questions are based on different context, long time ago teachers used punishment to control their students (for example, question number 16). Basing on appearance, knowledge, student's treatment and confidence of the teacher (questions 1-7) most of the people answered 'very much agree' and 'agree' so is very important to leave a good impression in students and they respect their teacher because they realize that she/he has confidence in theirselves and they project that feeling. Questions 8-10 talk about students taking control of the class, it shouldn't be that way because they lose respect for teachers. The final questions are about methods, some of them are effective but there's one that everybody were disagree and it's correct because as a teacher in the future we have to use other methods to teach students.

Actually, I think teachers and students should have respect for each other and that is possible with effort and everyone has to earn it.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Learner differences CHECK THIS ENTRY PLEASE

 A course in language teaching, Page 288
1. How important do you think motivation is for success in language learning,
compared to, for example, language aptitude?
 Is easier to understand motivation in terms of 'motivated' learner: one who is willing or even eager to invest effort in learning activities and to progress, language aptitude refers to the potential that a person has for learning languages. So knowing this concepts I can say that motivation is way more important than language aptitude because, for example, if someone has less language aptitude than motivation the only way to understand, study and practice a foreign language is motivation. In every difficult situation motivation becomes a very useful tool that comes of ourselves and that is, in my opinion, more satisfying than learning aptitude, being this something that we acquire.  

2. How important is people's past success in language learning for their motivation
to learn in the present and future?
In this case past succes in language learning would be a base I mean knowledge that we already know and handle. For future learning, that base give us confidence to keep learning and acquiring knowledge always.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Designing a quiz (Personality factors part 3)

The type of instrument that I am going to use is Yes/No and the questions are made of the different personality factors like motivation, anxety, self-esteem, empathy, introvertion, extroversion and inhibition.

The questions are:
1. Nervous are not an obstacle for your everyday life 
Yes  -  No

2. When some friends invite you to go out you get really excited 
Yes - No

3. You feel comfortable about yourself 
Yes - No

4. You feel sad when a friend seems complicated 
Yes - No

5. When you have a problem you have difficulties to express your emotions 
Yes - No

6. You consider yourself expressive and fun 
Yes - No

7. If something bothers you, you prefer not to express your opinion 
Yes - No

8. You don't care what people thinks about you
Yes - No

9. You are a very confident person
Yes - No

10. You feel worried if the time isn't enough to do your work
Yes - No

The way results are going to be calculated is through the 10 statements (personality factors) and is going to have one point each so, for example if the student have more affirmative answers about extroversion it will mean that he/she inclines to a certain factor in the test and that establish a certain personality.  

Myers-Briggs Test (Personality Factors part 2) CHECK THIS ENTRY PLEASE

Your Type is


Strength of the preferences %

Qualitative analysis of your type formula:

- moderately expressed introvert
- slightly expressed sensing personality
- slightly expressed thinking personality
- moderately expressed judging personality

I think that the results are pretty close to my personality but I think it's relative in certain situations I mean  different situations that was presented in this test so I am not a hundred percent agree with the results but I agree with some of the features presented in the personality factors text.
 I think I have most of the character types that Myers-Briggs describes like: concentration, limited relationships and interest in internall reaction. The sensing personality I think I possess is experience rather than the others characteristics then the thinking personality will be analysis and finally 'moderately expressed  judging personality' I consider that charasteristics like decided, deadline, wrap it up defines me very well.
I think that to be introverted might be bad and be okay at the same time because like the asset and liabilities of Myers-Briggs says 'introvertion means concentration and self-sufficiency' and sometimes it means not taking risks but like I said before be introvert is not totally bad, we need to balance features like this also with the opposite like extroversion so balance is the key. 

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Personality Factors (Part I)

What did I understand today?
About personality factors, in the affective domain the affectivity begins with:
1. receiving
2. next persons must go beyond receiving to responding
3. the third level involves valuing (place worth on a thing)
4. organization (of values)
5. value system (beliefs, ideas, values)

Personality factors in Second Language Acquisition is related with concepts like self-esteem with levels: 
a. global or general, that has a direct relation with risk-taking
b. situational or specific
c. task

Under the notion of self-esteem is the concept of inhibition (ego-defense), anxiety is associated with feelings of uneasiness, frustration, worry. The levels of anxiety is classified in :
- trait (permanent)
- debilitative (harmful)
-  facilitative (helpful)  
- state (some specific situation)

 Finally the empathy as the process of 'putting yourself into someone else's shoes', extrovert (talkative) , introvert (reserved).

How is this connected to my future teaching experience?
I think every concept is related to knowing ourselves as we grow up and add up more experience about life. When we need to identify owrselfes with a certain group of people, we face the challenge and we should trust in our abilities. As a future teacher I must do the same thing, take my experience in life and adapt to it, take some anxiety as a motivation.

What are the 3 concepts I would highlight from this lesson?
First and very important will be self-esteem as a base of personality, then anxiety that can be positive if we use it wisely to carry out a class and finally affection beacuse is based in our beliefs and world view.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Second language acquisition

What did I understand today?
 I understand that acquisition is natural and a gradual process and learning is artificial in a classroom and a conscious process. A second language acquisition has some factors or barriers like age -more willing, more embarassed-,dull textbooks, insufficient time, everyday communicative requirements are in the first language or other things going on that strongly influence in a correct understanding. There are methods that allows to have a correct understanding like:
-Grammar translations, that is centered in the teacher
-audiolingual as a set of habits
-communicative approaches, is student centered
Then other topics like interlanguage (system of learner of a second language that is using a language system which is neither the L1, nor the L2).

How is this connected to my future teaching experience?
For example, the barriers influence in the efficiency of learning a second language because not having much time to dedicate and practice the language leaves a bad taste in the students like an unsatisfaction feeling. As a future teacher I must use time in a way that a can dedicate attention to theories and practice, more practice than anything else. Every barrier is a challenge and important so we must dedicate work to every single one of them.

What are 3 concepts I would highlight from this lesson?
One will be the audiolingual method is essential to understand the language -for example to listen a native person and learning to pronounce and speak the language correctly- the age is important to consider the difference of childrens who can easily learn during time and an adult have more complications when they work to get a good result for example in pronouncing well. And finally interlanguage appearing in the learning process becaming sometimes into a third language for a learner.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Fashions in language teaching methodology

What did I understand today?
I understand that methodology is a set of planes made of activities that let the teacher catch the attetion of the students for them to learn. This definition is more like an objective of procedure so the correct definition of methodolody will be 'activities, tasks and learning experiences use by a teacher within teaching and learning process.

How is this connected to my future teaching experience?
The existing methodology systems have the property of self regulation. This mean that if a method in an existing system has lost its use or is rather inefficient than it is automatically eliminated.
But it is also observed the fact that classical methods are main pillars of educational system. They can suffer some structural changes or evolutional additions but their essence remains. So according to this is too related to my future experience as a teacher because I am going to be responsable to use certain methods and proceedings and find out if is it effective or not what I suggest.

What are 3 concepts I would highlight from this lesson?
The information or knowledge that a future teacher manage is very important also I think is very important to consider the avalaible materials to perform a class and finally mantain  the curriculum as a requirement.