What did I understand today?
About personality factors, in the affective domain the affectivity begins with:
1. receiving
2. next persons must go beyond receiving to responding
3. the third level involves valuing (place worth on a thing)
4. organization (of values)
5. value system (beliefs, ideas, values)
Personality factors in Second Language Acquisition is related with concepts like self-esteem with levels:
a. global or general, that has a direct relation with risk-taking
b. situational or specific
c. task
Under the notion of self-esteem is the concept of inhibition (ego-defense), anxiety is associated with feelings of uneasiness, frustration, worry. The levels of anxiety is classified in :
- trait (permanent)
- debilitative (harmful)
- facilitative (helpful)
- state (some specific situation)
Finally the empathy as the process of 'putting yourself into someone else's shoes', extrovert (talkative) , introvert (reserved).
How is this connected to my future teaching experience?
I think every concept is related to knowing ourselves as we grow up and add up more experience about life. When we need to identify owrselfes with a certain group of people, we face the challenge and we should trust in our abilities. As a future teacher I must do the same thing, take my experience in life and adapt to it, take some anxiety as a motivation.
What are the 3 concepts I would highlight from this lesson?
First and very important will be self-esteem as a base of personality, then anxiety that can be positive if we use it wisely to carry out a class and finally affection beacuse is based in our beliefs and world view.
I agree with the importance of self-esteem. If you are confident and have a positive attitude in front of your students, they usually respect you and belive in what you are doing. These factors may be key elements in your sucess as teacher.