Your Type is ISTJ |
Introverted | Sensing | Thinking | Judging |
Strength of the preferences % | |||
44 | 1 | 1 | 44 |
Qualitative analysis of your type formula:
- moderately expressed introvert
- slightly expressed sensing personality
- slightly expressed thinking personality
- moderately expressed judging personality
I think that the results are pretty close to my personality but I think it's relative in certain situations I mean different situations that was presented in this test so I am not a hundred percent agree with the results but I agree with some of the features presented in the personality factors text.
I think I have most of the character types that Myers-Briggs describes like: concentration, limited relationships and interest in internall reaction. The sensing personality I think I possess is experience rather than the others characteristics then the thinking personality will be analysis and finally 'moderately expressed judging personality' I consider that charasteristics like decided, deadline, wrap it up defines me very well.
I think that to be introverted might be bad and be okay at the same time because like the asset and liabilities of Myers-Briggs says 'introvertion means concentration and self-sufficiency' and sometimes it means not taking risks but like I said before be introvert is not totally bad, we need to balance features like this also with the opposite like extroversion so balance is the key.
Very catchy blog in terms of design. Interesting comments and reflections. Good Job: 7.0