Saturday, March 26, 2011

Designing a quiz (Personality factors part 3)

The type of instrument that I am going to use is Yes/No and the questions are made of the different personality factors like motivation, anxety, self-esteem, empathy, introvertion, extroversion and inhibition.

The questions are:
1. Nervous are not an obstacle for your everyday life 
Yes  -  No

2. When some friends invite you to go out you get really excited 
Yes - No

3. You feel comfortable about yourself 
Yes - No

4. You feel sad when a friend seems complicated 
Yes - No

5. When you have a problem you have difficulties to express your emotions 
Yes - No

6. You consider yourself expressive and fun 
Yes - No

7. If something bothers you, you prefer not to express your opinion 
Yes - No

8. You don't care what people thinks about you
Yes - No

9. You are a very confident person
Yes - No

10. You feel worried if the time isn't enough to do your work
Yes - No

The way results are going to be calculated is through the 10 statements (personality factors) and is going to have one point each so, for example if the student have more affirmative answers about extroversion it will mean that he/she inclines to a certain factor in the test and that establish a certain personality.  

Myers-Briggs Test (Personality Factors part 2) CHECK THIS ENTRY PLEASE

Your Type is


Strength of the preferences %

Qualitative analysis of your type formula:

- moderately expressed introvert
- slightly expressed sensing personality
- slightly expressed thinking personality
- moderately expressed judging personality

I think that the results are pretty close to my personality but I think it's relative in certain situations I mean  different situations that was presented in this test so I am not a hundred percent agree with the results but I agree with some of the features presented in the personality factors text.
 I think I have most of the character types that Myers-Briggs describes like: concentration, limited relationships and interest in internall reaction. The sensing personality I think I possess is experience rather than the others characteristics then the thinking personality will be analysis and finally 'moderately expressed  judging personality' I consider that charasteristics like decided, deadline, wrap it up defines me very well.
I think that to be introverted might be bad and be okay at the same time because like the asset and liabilities of Myers-Briggs says 'introvertion means concentration and self-sufficiency' and sometimes it means not taking risks but like I said before be introvert is not totally bad, we need to balance features like this also with the opposite like extroversion so balance is the key. 

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Personality Factors (Part I)

What did I understand today?
About personality factors, in the affective domain the affectivity begins with:
1. receiving
2. next persons must go beyond receiving to responding
3. the third level involves valuing (place worth on a thing)
4. organization (of values)
5. value system (beliefs, ideas, values)

Personality factors in Second Language Acquisition is related with concepts like self-esteem with levels: 
a. global or general, that has a direct relation with risk-taking
b. situational or specific
c. task

Under the notion of self-esteem is the concept of inhibition (ego-defense), anxiety is associated with feelings of uneasiness, frustration, worry. The levels of anxiety is classified in :
- trait (permanent)
- debilitative (harmful)
-  facilitative (helpful)  
- state (some specific situation)

 Finally the empathy as the process of 'putting yourself into someone else's shoes', extrovert (talkative) , introvert (reserved).

How is this connected to my future teaching experience?
I think every concept is related to knowing ourselves as we grow up and add up more experience about life. When we need to identify owrselfes with a certain group of people, we face the challenge and we should trust in our abilities. As a future teacher I must do the same thing, take my experience in life and adapt to it, take some anxiety as a motivation.

What are the 3 concepts I would highlight from this lesson?
First and very important will be self-esteem as a base of personality, then anxiety that can be positive if we use it wisely to carry out a class and finally affection beacuse is based in our beliefs and world view.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Second language acquisition

What did I understand today?
 I understand that acquisition is natural and a gradual process and learning is artificial in a classroom and a conscious process. A second language acquisition has some factors or barriers like age -more willing, more embarassed-,dull textbooks, insufficient time, everyday communicative requirements are in the first language or other things going on that strongly influence in a correct understanding. There are methods that allows to have a correct understanding like:
-Grammar translations, that is centered in the teacher
-audiolingual as a set of habits
-communicative approaches, is student centered
Then other topics like interlanguage (system of learner of a second language that is using a language system which is neither the L1, nor the L2).

How is this connected to my future teaching experience?
For example, the barriers influence in the efficiency of learning a second language because not having much time to dedicate and practice the language leaves a bad taste in the students like an unsatisfaction feeling. As a future teacher I must use time in a way that a can dedicate attention to theories and practice, more practice than anything else. Every barrier is a challenge and important so we must dedicate work to every single one of them.

What are 3 concepts I would highlight from this lesson?
One will be the audiolingual method is essential to understand the language -for example to listen a native person and learning to pronounce and speak the language correctly- the age is important to consider the difference of childrens who can easily learn during time and an adult have more complications when they work to get a good result for example in pronouncing well. And finally interlanguage appearing in the learning process becaming sometimes into a third language for a learner.