I asked some friends and classmates to answer this survey, which has the following questions:
1. It is important for a teacher to dress nicely and look good
2. it is important for a teacher to care a lot about his/her teaching
3. a good teacher controls the class firmly
4. A good teacher treats his/her students with fairness and respect
5. a good teacher is warm and friendly towards students
6. a good teacher knows and uses students names
7. a good teacher is interested in each student as a person
8. a good teacher will change the lesson plan and do something else if that is what the students want
9. a good teacher let students mark their own tests
10. I like it when the students take over and run the lesson
11. a good teacher makes sure students have fun in lesson
12. a good teacher gets students to work hard
13. I prefer working in groups or individually to having a teacher-dominated lesson
14. I like it when the teacher asks me my opinion in class
15. a good teacher always gives interesting lessons
16. a good teacher use corporal pusnishment occasionally
17. if we need help the good teacher finds time to talk outside the classroom
This questions are answered on a scale (very much agree, agree, undecided, disagree, totally disagree) like the next bar chart shows:
Some questions are based on different context, long time ago teachers used punishment to control their students (for example, question number 16). Basing on appearance, knowledge, student's treatment and confidence of the teacher (questions 1-7) most of the people answered 'very much agree' and 'agree' so is very important to leave a good impression in students and they respect their teacher because they realize that she/he has confidence in theirselves and they project that feeling. Questions 8-10 talk about students taking control of the class, it shouldn't be that way because they lose respect for teachers. The final questions are about methods, some of them are effective but there's one that everybody were disagree and it's correct because as a teacher in the future we have to use other methods to teach students.
Actually, I think teachers and students should have respect for each other and that is possible with effort and everyone has to earn it.
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